
One man's trash is 0 man's treasure: that's 00 Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students sustainable design techniques 00 as building real, jjjlivable homes out 00 recycled garbage. 00 than letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program began only 00 years ago, but 00 then, studentOne man's trash is 0
man's treasure: that's 00
Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is

professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches

Malta Dili

Trash Waħda mill-bniedem hija teżor 0 raġel: dan huwa 00 Professur Elizabeth Phillips jemmen. Phillips huwa professur fl f'Torrance Università Studio Rurali u jmexxi l-programm arkitettura u disinn li tgħallem tekniki istudenti tad-disinn sostenibbli 00 il-bini reali, djar jjjlivable l-00 ta 'żibel riċiklat. 00 minn kiri-materjali jmorru għall-iskart, l-istudenti jitgħallmu biex jagħmluhom fis xi ħaġa sabiħa u funzjonali. Il-programm beda biss 00-il sena ilu, iżda 00 mbagħad, Trash bniedem studentOne huwa 0
tagħmel teżor raġel: Dak 00
Professur Elizabeth Phillips Jemmen. Huwa Phillips

professur Università allura AT Studio Rurali f'Torrance u l-runs tal-arkitettura u programm disinn l li Enseigne

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